2022 4th Annual Workshop of  the Korea Inequality Research Lab
  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 작성일 2022-08-17 16:17:18
  • 조회수 4626
첨부파일 2022 KIRL Annual Workshop 포스터(최종).pdf

2022 4th Annual Workshop of the Korea Inequality Research Lab

■ 일시: 2022년 8월 30-31일, 9:00-13:30 (Korea Time)


■ 장소 

   - offline(8/31) : 중앙대학교 310관 902호 

   - online(8/30-31) :


■ 일정

30 August (online only) 

 - 9:00-10:30. Cheol Sung Lee (Rice and Empire: How Crop-Human interactions Shaped the Rise of East Asia) 

 - 10:45-11:45 Sung Ho Park (Tax Policy and Economic Inequality in Contemporary Korea and Japan) 

 - 12:00-13:30 Stephan Haggard & Yeilim Cheong (Political polarization in Korea) 

                    Eunyoung Ha (Korea chapter in Globalization and Polarization) 

Moderator : Jong-sung You (Gachon University Liberal Arts College)

31 August (offline and online) 

 - 9:00-10:15 Frederick Solt & Byung-Deuk Woo (Gender Egalitarianism and Gender Equality: How Public Opinion Shapes Politics and Policy in Global Perspective)

 - 10:30-11:20 Byung You Cheon & Jun Ho Jeong (Inequality of Opportunity and Social Mobility in South Korea) 

 - 11:30-12:20 Timo Fleckenstein & Soohyun Lee (Korean Welfare Capitalism in Transition) 

 - 12:30-13:00 Jong-sung You (Overall progress of the KIRL and major plans for the next two years. Current status in the use of administrative data and our plan)

Moderator : Sophia Seung-yoon Lee (Chung-Ang University Department of Soical Welfare)

■ 주최 및 문의: Korea Inequality Research Lab(한국불평등연구랩 010-3770-2608 /

                중앙대학교 사회복지학과 BK21 FOUR 교육연구팀(02-820-5149)


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