Nam Hoon Kang (강남훈), Jong-sung You (유종성)
The book explores
the moral case and the financial and political feasibility of introducing a
universal basic income (UBI) to supplement or partly replace the current
welfare regime in South Korea. It discusses the moral case for UBI in terms of
human freedoms and wellbeing, based on a critical review of the relevant
literature (Sen 1999; Standing 2017; Van Parijs and Vanderborght 2017). It
assesses the conditions of the growing precariat in dualized labor markets and
ineffectiveness of the dualized welfare regime to help the poor and the
precarious to enjoy human freedoms and wellbeing. It examines two models of UBI
in terms of financial feasibility and effectiveness in reducing inequality and
poverty and enhancing human freedoms: a full UBI that could replace the
existing social assistance system (National Livelihood Guarantee Scheme) and a
partial UBI that could supplement the current system. It also explores the
politics of UBI in South Korea and considers political and financial strategies
in comparison with richer and poorer states, including Japan, the U.K., the
U.S., Canada, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and India (Davala
et al. 2015; Mays et al. 2016; Nell 2013; Standing and Samson 2003;
Vanderborght and Yamamori 2014). The book will make a significant contribution
to the globalization of Korean studies, by exploring the Korean case in
comparison with richer and poor countries with regard to the important question
on the financial and political feasibility of a UBI and its effectiveness in
reducing inequality and enhancing human freedoms.