Fleckenstein Timo, Soohyun Christine Lee(이수현)
Welfare states across the OECD have seen
paradigmatic changes over the past 20 years, and this in particular applies to
labour market and family policies. We have observed a fundamental reshaping of
the welfare-work-and-family nexus in advanced political economies; and this
transformation (with its far-reaching implications for social inequality) and
its politics are at the heart of the proposed book. Although these developments
in social welfare have received much attention in the comparative social policy
literature, we still lack a comprehensive understanding of the politics of
these welfare reforms.
Our research, acknowledging the profound
socio-economic transformation of the last three to four decades (namely,
globalisation and post-industrialisation), identifies the key changes in the
socio-economic environment. We investigate how these changes with huge
socio-political implications have translated into key actors’ ideas and
preferences in order to identify the political drivers of labour market and
welfare reforms in the “critical” cases of Germany, the UK, Sweden, Japan and
South Korea. With this comparison of European and East Asian welfare states, we
propose a highly innovative and original research design that allows for methodologically
robust findings in addition to facilitating dialogue and cross-fertilisation
between the European and East Asian literatures. In terms of substantive
findings, our book provides a unique account of the transformation of political
agency and coalitions in interaction with changes in the socio-economic and
socio-political environments. We show the transformation of political parties –
most notably, the left in labour market policy driven towards the centre by
business, and the right in family policy by increasingly “post-industrial”
electorates. We develop an analytical framework that puts agency centre-stage
that allows capturing the changing coalition and power dynamics in welfare